¿Te gustaría contribuir a que otros idiomas y culturas sean más visibles en nuestra sociedad?
¡Anímate y participa en el concurso: Underrepresented languages and cultures art prize - ULCAP!

This project seeks to generate visibility and appreciation for the underrepresented ethnic languages and cultures that are part of our society. Through various artistic manifestations, Uninorte students will contribute to the inclusion and appreciation of the cultural and linguistic diversity of our country and region's cultural and linguistic diversity.

Underrepresented communities: indigenous populations, afro-descendants, Romani groups, Jewish descendants, Arab populations, deaf communities, immigrants, language learners (e.g., learners of Esperanto, Naʼvi, etc.) 

Suggested Topics

  • Preservation of Native languages 
  • Language death 
  • Revitalization of languages 
  • Multilingual Education: Strengths and Weaknesses 
  • Biculturalism and bilingualism 
  • Building peace in multicultural settings 
  • Language Education Policies 
  • (Bi/multi) cultural literacies 
  • Language, culture, and identity 
  • Indigenous knowledge and Science development 
  • Creative writing and culture awareness 
  • Migration and language(s)/culture(s)/dialect adoption 
  • Music, dance, and linguistics manifestations 
  • Religious manifestations and cultural identity


Podcasts, posters, songs, poems, videos, video blogs, documentaries, exhibitions, books, collages, critiques, Ted talk presentations, and other types of art 

Each final product should be accompanied by a 250–400-word description. This should include the names, class, a brief introduction, the justification, an explanation of the contents, and a conclusion. The content must be structured in paragraphs! 


Students taking the following courses: 

  • Culture and Peacebuilding 
  • Introducción a las lenguas indígenas y criollas 
  • Writing Studies Seminar
  • Topics in Literature
  • Niveles 3, 4 y 5 de inglés en Lenguas Modernas
  • International Affairs Language, and Globalization
  • Estudios del Lenguaje I 
  • Estudios del Lenguaje II 
  • Discurso Oral 
  • Wayuunaiki 


  • 1st place $500.000-Bono for du Nord
  • 2nd place $300.000-Bono for du Nord
  • 3rd place $200.000-Bono for du Nord
  • 4th place $100.000-Bono for du Nord

The prize will be distributed in concordance with the number of members in each group. 




More details 

Introduction and guidelines 


September 19th-September 25th.

Information about Ulcap will be shared with professors via email. Professors will share that
information in class. 

Proposal and reflection submissions

October 3ed


Individuals or groups will submit a brief proposal including information about the participants, chosen topic, justification, and expected product(s). Submission will be by 6:00 pm COL time. 
Reflections will be submitted individually. 

General feedback 

October 4th-October 20th  

Students will receive general feedback about their proposal and suggestions about the product they will submit. 

Final Submission 

November 3rd 

Students will submit the last version of their project by 6:00 pm COL time.  
Individual reflections will be submitted on the same day. 

Announcement of Winners 

November 17th  

Winners will be announced by email. 

In-person exhibition 

January 2024 

The four winning projects will be presented on campus. The winners will share information about their experience with attendees. 

Participation may be individual or in groups. The maximum number of members per group is 4. Participants will be required to write a couple of reflections before and after the submission. Winners will also be invited to exhibit their work at the Native Indigenous Languages event next February. 

Language of Submission: English or Spanish (This will depend on the language used in each class.) 

Criteria for selection of finalists

  • Relevance of the topic 
  • Creativity and originality 
  • Accuracy of description (250-230 words) 
  • Format of the text 

Commitee members

Johan De La Rosa  - jyacomelo@uninorte.edu.co
Connor Keogh - ckeogh@uninorte.edu.co
Wendy Valdez - valdezw@uninorte.edu.co
John Rueda - ruedaje@uninorte.edu.co
Laura Fontalvo - lfontalvoc@uninorte.edu.co
Elkin Villanueva - jevillanueva@uninorte.edu.co